Our EMDR Basic Training follows EMDRIA’s currently recommended curriculum (as of December 22, 2022), which consists of two 3-day training sessions including practica plus 10-hours of consultation. Registrants must take both Session 1 and Session 2 in their entirety. Consultations with an EMDRIA Approved Consultant are included as part of this course or can be completed privately.
EMDR trainings are approved for Continuing Competency by the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.
Alivia Maric (PhD) and Eve Wilensky (MA) teach the current recommended curriculum, which provides a thorough grounding in the use of this therapeutic approach.
For current course offerings and future possibilities, see our Dates & Locations page.
Please visit our Eligibility page.
Learning Objectives
- to understand the research and theoretical positions on EMDR.
- to use the basic 8-phase EMDR protocol, effectively and safely, and adapt it to special situations and populations.
- to be familiar with variations on the basic protocol for special populations.
- to understand legal and ethical considerations in the use of EMDR.
- Review of the research on EMDR; discussion of controversy/social psychology of innovation.
- The psychology of trauma and diagnosis of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.
- Theoretical explanations for EMDR; accelerated information processing; alternate explanations; brain research; caveats.
- The 8 phases of EMDR treatment.
- EMDR and special populations.
Course Objectives
Participants learn to use EMDR appropriately and effectively in a variety of applications. Such use is based on understanding the theoretical basis of EMDR, safety issues, integration with a treatment plan, and supervised practice.
The course is offered over 2 weekends and consultation components take place after each weekend.
Session 1 Curriculum includes:
- Trauma, History and Overview of EMDR, Research
- Explanatory Model of EMDR Adaptive Information Processing
- Hypothesized Mechanisms of Action, Neurobiological Aspects of EMDR Therapy
- Case Conceptualization and Treatment Planning
- Client Readiness Considerations, Dissociation
- Overview of the Eight Phases of EMDR
- Abreactions and Blocked Processing
- Protocols and Procedures for Special Situations and Popluations
(Anxiety and Phobias, Couples, Children, Self-use, Collective Trauma) - Virtual EMDR Therapy
- Practica 1 and 2
Session 2 Curriculum includes:
- Protocol Review
- Working with Special Situations and Populations
(Grief, Illness and Somatic Disorders, Recent Events, Addictions,
Military and First Responders, Sexual Abuse and Complex PTSD, Dissociation) - Blocked Processing and Cognitive Interweaves
- Resource Development and Installation
- Practica 3 and 4
Consultation (10 hours) are included in the training as virtual group meetings with an EMDRIA Approved Consultant before and after Weekend 2. These consultation hours may be acquired privately at your own cost–with an EMDRIA Approved Consultant who is pre-approved by the registrar.
Required Readings
Shapiro, F. (2018). Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing: Basic principles, protocols and procedures (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press. (This textbook will be provided at the first day of training.)
Go with that Magazine, 25(3). (2020, Fall).
EMDRIA. (2020, January 18). Guidelines for Virtual EMDR Therapy: A Report of the Virtual Training and Therapy Task Group. Austin, TX: Author.
- lectures, discussions, demonstrations, videos
(23 hours) - supervised practices
(20 hours) - consultations
(10 hours)
Session 1 and Session 2 are scheduled approximately 4 to 8 weeks apart:
- Thursday 9:00am–5:30pm
- Friday 9:00am–5:30pm and
- Saturday 9:00am–5:30pm
Consultations as part of this course take place on three separate evenings.
Facilities used by EMDR Training Associates for in-person trainings are ADA-compliant (The Americans with Disabilities Act). Please contact Alivia Maric at amarica@shaw.ca should you need any special accommodations (ADA) at an in-person training.
Completion Requirements
Participants must complete all of the following within 12 months of Session 1 start date:
- Training Session 1
- Training Session 2
- 10 hours of consultation and
- open-book learner assessment
Certificate of Completion
Upon completion of the above requirements, participants receive a Certificate of Completion and can refer to themselves as “EMDR Trained.”
Other Related Topics
- For current course offerings and future possibilities, see our Dates & Locations page.
- See also our Fees & Policies page for our Cancellation Policy.