Register Now!

Registration is a 2-step process.

Step 1. Complete and Submit Registration Request Form (below)

  • Please follow the formats given in the examples below each field,
  • Please DO NOT use the # sign anywhere in your information, and
  • Please use ALL-CAPS only where indicated.
Choose one of the course options above.
e.g, RCC, RSW, RPsych, etc.–Please NO punctuation.
e.g., 10044, 1044, etc.
PLEASE SPELL-OUT FULLY: e.g., 123-4560 North Burnaby Street; and please DO NOT use the number sign [#] and NO punctuation.
Please spell-out fully–do not abbreviate.
Please use 2-letter abbreviation: e.g., AB, BC, WA, etc.
e.g., V5A 1S6, etc.
*IMPORTANT* for those with YAHOO or YMAIL email addresses: After you have completed this form and clicked SUBMIT (below), please contact the registrar to confirm that your registration request has been received ( ).
e.g., MA, MD, MEd, MScN, MSW, MCP, PhD–Please NO punctuation.
Your mental health field: e.g., Counselling Psyc, Social Work, Clinical Psyc, etc.–if meaning is apparent, you may abbreviate, but NO punctuation please.
e.g., SFU, UBC, UofT, UofA, etc.–Please NO punctuation.
e.g., BCACC, BCCSW, CHCPBC (formerly CPBC), etc.–Please NO punctuation.

PRESSING SUBMIT notifies us of your intention to take the course.

Step 2. Pay the $100 Deposit Fee

  • Once your registration has been approved by the registrar, you will be sent an email with instructions for payment of deposit and fees.
  • The $100 deposit fee is required to secure your place in the training. This deposit is part of the course fees. For more about fees, see the Fees & Cancellations page.

Any Questions?

Please contact our registrar, Alivia Maric, PhD, RPsych.